Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Calling

Chasing butterflies, finding out little green bird
No wonder friends thought, I was sort of a nerd

Climbing trees, treading jungles, being a Roadie
Did everything crazy, except ever study

Archie & Mills n Boon never really appealed to me
Tenzing, Shackleton, Armstrong….that’s what I wanted to be

Negotiating the bylanes on bicycle, was the idea of fun
Weather never was hindrance, be it hail storm be it hot sun

Always longed for a camera, but never had one
Couldn’t regret though, coz so many memories I had won

What career I would make, I sometimes wondered
Couldn’t give up my adventures, thus in exams I blundered

These adventures weren’t only amusement, for me they are a must
I guess I have found my calling, that thing called ‘Wanderlust’