Monday, February 20, 2012

Letter from Self

Dear Sid…

They say that the Universe Conspires
When you desire something with heart
To make it happen
To make you journey
Toward your goal
To make you chase your dreams
Which you hitherto did not know

It will lay down the path
And you will not even know
And that path will cross the paths
Of others on similar journeys of their own
Some might join you on your path
You might join someone else
And some will have to be bade goodbye

The goal may not be in sight
Even the path may seem wrong and bleak
How is one supposed
To keep it all together then?
How is one supposed
To keep sane, when there doesn’t seem to be
Any apparent plan

Must keep the faith
Must accept the change
And just, Be
You can’t have someone else
Telling you your purpose
Or right path for you
Leave that job to the Universe
And it will take care of it all

And as long as the Desire
Is in there, strong and alive
Every achievement, every heartbreak
Each one of your friends
And people you pass by on the road
Will be there for a reason
Keep your eyes open for those signs

And remember, Universe doesn’t to it
All by itself
It will ask of you sometimes
In a language that you never learnt
But you must answer its call
It will test you at every juncture
For the strength of your desire
So don’t for a moment forget
What you, and I mean YOU
For the moment you start playing
Someone else’s game
You will have lost your path
And it might be a while
Before you realize it
And find your way back
And Time may not always be your best friend

So dear, don’t weep for any loss
The only loss you must regret
Is the loss of your

Yours truly,


Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Place Not Too Far

I yearn for a place where...

The only walls are the high cliffs
And there is no ceiling

The only gossip I hear,
Is that of babblers in the bush
And roar that of a brook

I wake up to a dewy sunrise
And a cool breeze gives me a high

Nobody is a friend, yet everything is
The only possession, the Joy in my Heart

Desire is smelling the wild roses
And ambition...merely reaching the hilltop

A 'star-studded' movie is played every night
With a guest appearance by a shooting star

The road to workplace is flanked by palm fronds
And my work-station, by the lotus ponds

My only competition is ME
And my achievement...simplicity

A place where I forget WHAT I am
And where I'm reminded of WHO I am

The place isn't far, that I know
Might take some effort to get there though

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


आईच्या मांडीवर डोकं टेकवून ऐकणं लोरी गाणं
'हेलीकॉप्टर'मागे दुपारचं ते अथक धावणं
हवा आहे अनोळख्यावर दाखवायचा निर्भेळ विश्वास
अन हवं आहे पु.लंचं 'म्हैस' ऐकून खदाखदा हसणं

राजेश खन्नाचा 'आनंद' बघून ढसाढसा रडणं
आणि कागदाच्या होड्या पाऊसपाण्यात सोडणं
हवा आहे मामाच्या गावच्या आगगाडीचा झुकझुक आवाज
अन हरवलेल्या छोट्या मनीमाऊला आईचा ओरडा खाऊन घरात आणणं

भिकार सावकाराच्या हातावरून ताईशी भांडणं
अन तिचंच थोड्या वेळानी प्रेमानी कुरवाळणं
हवी आहे झोपाळ्यावरची तीच ती मटरगश्ती
अन हवं आहे वाघ्याला शेपूट खेचून खेचून सतावणं

नको आहे हे व्यावहारीक जगण्यासाठी धडपडणं
हवं आहे तर केवळ उत्स्फूर्त, मनस्वी, कलासक्त जगणं

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I just wanna talk

Sitting all by myself,
Having brought this loneliness upon myself,
I long for someone to talk to
I just wanna talk

There’s really nothing to talk
And I’m not exactly talkative
I’m a man of few words
But...I just wanna talk

Could be as silly as daily soaps
Or as profound as the beginnings of Universe
For how does it matter?
For...I just wanna talk

Introspection the talk might lead to
Or jokes that conversation might create
The laugh and the tears it might bring
For all that...I just wanna talk

All those years of silence and curt
How have I missed mindless chatter
Mindless, yet meaningful the same time
Anyone?...I just wanna talk

What’s in store for tomorrow, I know not
And I don’t wanna leave unspoken
Today is what I wanna live in
Today...I just wanna talk

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Nightjar and The Moon

In the Christmas dusk, when the world is cosy
Singing carols and making merry
The Nightjar wanders, alone in the woods
Calling long lost love, with plaintive moods

Gliding cliff to cliff, from tree to tree
Asketh his Moon Love, ‘Love, where art thee?’
Far out on the horizon, rises the Moon Glory
Haven’t you heard of their beautiful Love Story?!

The Moon shines with love, spreads her love with Light
Smiles at the Nightjar, turning dark night bright
Joyous in his company, she croons along
Distant as they are, yet united in the love-song

The world never sees their love, blinded by rituals and rite
The Lovers of Night care not, for all they need
Is their lover’s sight
The Moon at times wanes, sometimes with love she swells
Always waiting though, for the Nightjar’s musical spells

Timeless that their love is, the Nightjar never stops singing
When the cruel world’s not watching, serenading Moon each evening
How long have they been in love, nobody really knows
If only we care to see, the real love that the Serenade shows

Generations might pass, this love story’s not ending soon
Someday the world will talk, of the Lovers of Night
The Nightjar and The Moon

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Calling

Chasing butterflies, finding out little green bird
No wonder friends thought, I was sort of a nerd

Climbing trees, treading jungles, being a Roadie
Did everything crazy, except ever study

Archie & Mills n Boon never really appealed to me
Tenzing, Shackleton, Armstrong….that’s what I wanted to be

Negotiating the bylanes on bicycle, was the idea of fun
Weather never was hindrance, be it hail storm be it hot sun

Always longed for a camera, but never had one
Couldn’t regret though, coz so many memories I had won

What career I would make, I sometimes wondered
Couldn’t give up my adventures, thus in exams I blundered

These adventures weren’t only amusement, for me they are a must
I guess I have found my calling, that thing called ‘Wanderlust’

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Searching New Skies

A Gull soars high, without a longing for homeground
No nest for him, for it's just a bunch of sticks
Seeks ever New Skies, where possibilities abound