Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Place Not Too Far

I yearn for a place where...

The only walls are the high cliffs
And there is no ceiling

The only gossip I hear,
Is that of babblers in the bush
And roar that of a brook

I wake up to a dewy sunrise
And a cool breeze gives me a high

Nobody is a friend, yet everything is
The only possession, the Joy in my Heart

Desire is smelling the wild roses
And ambition...merely reaching the hilltop

A 'star-studded' movie is played every night
With a guest appearance by a shooting star

The road to workplace is flanked by palm fronds
And my work-station, by the lotus ponds

My only competition is ME
And my achievement...simplicity

A place where I forget WHAT I am
And where I'm reminded of WHO I am

The place isn't far, that I know
Might take some effort to get there though

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